Well, congratulations!
Here are a few links to help you make the most out of your mac - be it apps for productivity, or for utilities like p2p, file-handling, IM clients - the list goes on.
Without further ado, here is the list
(thanks to @vineetbhatnagar for this!):
1. http://macspecialist.org/
2. http://weblog.mrbill.net/
3. http://blog.leeane.com/2008/
4. http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/
5. http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/
6. http://www.designer-daily.com/
7. http://macromates.com/
8. http://mactech.ca/freemacapps/
9. http://www.noupe.com/tools/15-
10. http://justinlilly.com/blog/
11. http://skitch.com/
12. http://culturedcode.com/
13. http://shawnblanc.net/start/
14. http://daringfireball.net/ (mac related news)
15. http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/
16. http://ciaranwal.sh/2007/11/
17. http://www.panic.com/coda/
18. http://minimalmac.com/
Well, as such mac is bundle-packed with almost all that is required and if there is anything that you may require, the links above would help.
Is there any essential app/link that was missed?
(Image courtesy http://www.weirdasianews.com )
(Like the image? -- well, I took it from here - go read the article to see how to grow you own Apple apples!)